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Are you spending more time on lagging indicators and 'reporting the news' than you are on leading indicators that help you 'predict the weather'?  All the way down to field sales leaders, measurement is the way to judge performance and course-correct the business based on actionable data.  What to measure, and how to measure it is the challenge, and measuring a few KPIs by exception rather than hundreds of items that confuse leadership is a difficult assignment.  Sales Audit can help simplify the aspects of measurement and equip sales leaders with the skills necessary to operate an efficient business:

Here's how Sales Audit can help

Priorities and Actions

ensuring that expectations are clear and the field understands them

Pipeline and

Forecasting Methods

setting clarity as to the health AND wealth of the Pipeline and translating the outcomes to a predictable forecast

KPI Definition

how are you looking at success and can it be measured by exception using current data sources?

Performance, Business and Franchise Reviews

what is the methodology for assessing status and success of the business from the field territories up to the business of senior sales leadership?

Compensation Strategy

assessing whether the 'way you pay' for results matches the way you recruited and interviewed for talent

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